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Organic fertilizer granulator processing cattle manure organic fertilizer technology characteristics


Cow dung is a cold fertilizer, and cattle are herbivores, cow dung protein content is low, grass fiber is more, very suitable for the soil texture damage seriously in the field, can increase the soil permeability, but also can increase soil nutrition. Classification of cow manure organic fertilizer granulator: It is mainly divided into disc granulator, flat die granulator, ring mold granulator, horizontal organic fertilizer granulator, roll organic fertilizer granulator, roller organic fertilizer granulator. In the production of organic fertilizer, the choice of granulation method is very important, among which the disk granulation machine has intuitive operation, simple control, reduced equipment wearing parts, small maintenance but small processing capacity of a single machine. The organic fertilizer produced by cattle manure pelletizer has comprehensive nutrition and strong nutrition. Changing soil composition and applying organic fertilizer can accelerate the decomposition and transformation of organic matter, so as to rapidly increase the content of soil organic matter and alleviate the degree of soil salinization. At the same time, it also has a good root maintenance effect and is conducive to crop growth.