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What are the favorable conditions for the use of organic fertilizer equipment for crops


1. Improve soil fertility: Organic fertilizer is rich in organic matter and microorganisms, which helps to improve soil structure and increase the number of microorganisms in the soil, thereby improving soil fertility.

2. Reduce pests and diseases and promote crop growth: the bioactive substances in organic fertilizers can inhibit the growth of germs and pests, reduce the risk of pests and diseases, and the nutrients in organic fertilizers are easy to be absorbed and utilized by crops, which helps crops grow and improve yield and quality.

3. Environmental protection and energy saving: organic fertilizer equipment can transform farm waste into high-quality organic fertilizer, reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides, which is conducive to environmental protection and resource conservation.

4. Improve economic efficiency: The use of organic fertilizer equipment can improve the yield and quality of crops, thereby increasing farmers' income.

5. Ensure food security: The use of organic fertilizer equipment helps to improve the resistance and adaptability of crops to ensure food security.

6. Promote agricultural modernization: The promotion and application of organic fertilizer equipment will help promote the process of agricultural modernization and achieve sustainable agricultural development.

7. Enhance the competitiveness of agricultural products: Agricultural products produced with organic fertilizers have higher quality and safety, which is conducive to improving the market competitiveness of agricultural products.

8. It is conducive to the adjustment of agricultural industrial structure: the use of organic fertilizer equipment can guide farmers to adjust the planting structure and develop green and ecological agricultural production methods.

9. Conducive to rural economic development: the promotion and application of organic fertilizer production lines can drive the development of rural related industries and promote rural economic prosperity.