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The application of organic fertilizer equipment in agricultural production has many benefits


Organic fertilizer equipment processing organic fertilizer raw materials, mainly from plants and (or) animals, applied to the soil to provide plant nutrition as its main function of carbon-containing materials. It is processed by biological matter, animal and plant waste, and plant residues, which eliminates toxic and harmful substances and is rich in a large number of beneficial substances. It can not only provide comprehensive nutrition for crops, but also increase and renew soil organic matter, promote microbial reproduction, improve soil physical and chemical properties and biological activity, and is the main nutrient for green food production. The organic fertilizer equipment has low energy consumption, small footprint, no odor in the operating environment, zero pollution, good ventilation, and deodorization only takes 1-2 days. Using the unique biochemical process of organic fertilizer equipment, nearly 50 kinds of beneficial bacteria that play a role in soil repair and a variety of amino acids and vitamins that promote plant production can be cultivated. The organic fertilizer processed by the organic fertilizer production line can make the biological system in the organic fertilizer multiply and decompose continuously in the soil through the unique activation system, release a large amount of nutrients for the absorption of plants, achieve the effect of improving the soil aggregate structure and improving the soil fertility, and achieve the balance between quick effect and long-term effect.