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The use effect of organic fertilizer drum screener machine


1. Improve the quality of organic fertilizer: the drum screener  machine can effectively break and screen organic materials, so that the size of organic fertilizer particles is uniform, which is conducive to improving the quality of organic fertilizer.

2. Improve production efficiency: The roller screening machine adopts continuous production mode, which greatly improves production efficiency and reduces the production cost of organic fertilizer production line.

3. Energy saving and environmental protection: organic fertilizer roller screening machine adopts rolling screening principle, low energy consumption, which is conducive to saving energy and reducing environmental pollution.

4. Easy maintenance: The roller screen machine is simple in structure, easy to disassemble and maintain, and reduces the failure rate of organic fertilizer equipment.

5. Strong adaptability: organic fertilizer roller screening machine is suitable for different types of organic materials, with strong adaptability.

6. High safety: The roller screen adopts a closed design, which effectively reduces the safety risk in the operation process.

7. Improve resource utilization rate: organic fertilizer roller screening machine can convert organic waste into organic fertilizer, improve resource utilization rate, and help achieve sustainable development.

In short, the use effect of organic fertilizer roller screening machine is mainly manifested in improving the quality of organic fertilizer, production efficiency, reducing production costs, energy saving and environmental protection, easy maintenance, strong adaptability, high safety, and improving resource utilization.